Background: We describe a case of leucocytoclasic vasculitis induced by Sofosbuvir and its disappearence after the\nend of the therapy. The hepatitis C virus, firstly described in 1989, is a major global health problem, with high morbidity\nand mortality. We observed a temporal relationship between the treatment and the onset of vasculitis. We emphasize\nthe multidisciplinary approach to the patients with liver disease to improve the quality of life of these patients.\nCase presentation: A 53-year-old Caucasian man with a history of hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection was\nexamined at our Department of Dermatology for the occurrence of palpable purpura. The patient referred that the first\nappearance of the dermatoses was about one month after initiation of therapy with Sofosbuvir for hepatitis C.\nConclusions: Vasculitis appeared after the beginning of Sofosbuvir and, even though it was treated with different\nmedications proved to be effective, it disappeared only after the conclusion of the therapy, giving a strong evidence to\nbe a drug eruption.